Monday, April 29, 2013

Pantry Upgrade

It seems like just yesterday I did a cleanup of the kitchen and pantry, and soon the pantry was falling apart again!

Part of it was the wire shelving.. it's pretty much the most awful thing ever! But since I'm going to be renting for a while (and I've already been renting for quite a few years) I've gotten used to it for the most part.

However, after this post from I Heart Organizing, it was time to give my pantry an upgrade!

Foam Board
Contact/Shelf Paper (I got this from Amazon)
Straight Blade to cut down the foam board
Measuring Tape.

Foam Board

I emptied one shelf of the pantry to measure the space, and cut down the foam board....

Taking that last photo made me realize how much that rug needed to be washed!!

After the board was cut down, I cut the contact paper to fit. It was a little wider than the board, but it made it easy to wrap around the edges for a nice, clean look.

Then I just popped it over the shelves....

Then I put everything back!

Finished product??

Much better!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Spicing things up!

I did a little makeover to our spice rack, just to make things look nicer in the kitchen.

I purchased a few of these( I actually didn't have enough to finish the whole project, but it still looks nicer for now anyway!) from Bed Bath and Beyond. They were .99 each!

And I just moved the spices from their original container into these (I recommend washing them out first...)

I made the labels using these.

And there you have it! A little kitchen upgrade....

Oh, the original containers were a little bigger than the new ones, so I did have some leftover spices. I just put those into the pantry until I can add them to the containers!