Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Such a Dreary Day...

This is how it feels today :(

It's been kinda rainy the last few days, which makes me sleepy. And far less productive than I should be!

I did get a few things accomplished over the last day or so... including a bit of updating on the studio! I finally got the craft shelf back op on the wall in the closet (and stocked again :)) Oh the joys of more organized ribbon and being able to find the stamps! (oh, and I might just have a bit of a spray paint addiction ;) )

I also got most of the drawers labeled so that I can find supplies without opening every single drawer first. Next is to move the last of the stuff that is still hanging over the dining room table into the studio. 

Speaking of the dining room, I'm planning to leave the Lack shelf that I had above the desk up on the wall above the table, and adding a hanging pendant light from underneath. I've ordered this, and I have already have a shade I purchased from Ikea (almost a year ago!) that didn't end up working with the lamp I bought it for, but will be perfect for this project. Leaving the shelf will also give me some storage space for things like extra party supplies and some seasonal decor that I don't keep in the storage closet. Photos as soon as I'm done!

I also have a couple projects for the laundry room (to streamline the laundry as well as keep it much more organized. If any room in the apartment is insanely cluttered, it's this one! And it seems, even for one person, that laundry is never finished!

As far as non-studio/apartment related updates, I did get a few more gifts for family, got them wrapped and their under the tree. I did also do a bit more decorating, but I have a few more decor ideas, and I need to get this on J's door for her new place. I'm thinking a Hello. decal for my own door to replace it (like the ones found here in my shop!) 

I've also added a few things to the shop! (and there are still more to get photographed and uploaded!)
From Top Left, Across) 

At work, we got the Christmas tree up, and there are a few presents already under it for our adopted family. There should be some more early next week, after our volunteer shopper (aka me :) ) goes shopping with some monetary donations that were given.

Hope every one is having a great holiday season so far and the stress hasn't gotten to you yet :) I am a master at over doing it, so this year I'm trying to pace myself and not add too many things to my "to do" list

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